
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Gifts For Lisa

Chris followed Kevin as they both walked down the steps into Kevin’s basement, “Whatcha need my help with?” Chris asked, as he reached the bottom step.

“It’s over here.” Kevin replied vaguely, and walk toward a large object covered with a sheet. “Help me get this off, would ya?” he asked, reaching out, grabbing an edge of the dusty covering.

“Sure bud, but we gotta hurry, I’m spose’ to meet up with Shelly in about half an hour, It’s her birthday; and you know she hates if I run late.” Chris stated, grabbing a corner himself, and together with Kevin, threw the tattered sheet over and off of Kevin’s surprise.

Letting the sheet fall, Chris approached what looked like a stand-alone closet; walking around it, he noticed a door on one side and a screen with a small keyboard on the other. “What is it?” he asked knocking on one of the solid sides.

“I’m not exactly sure.” Kevin admitted, “But I do know a little bout’ what it can do. I found it down here behind my dad’s old things, I think he must have found it before he and my sister left for that two month trip they won.”

Chris stopped knocking on the side and opened the door; “Wow” he gasped looking inside. “It’s so shiny in here; hey, what are these?” he asked, pointing at one of the numerous small rods protruding from the walls, “Look,” he started, “They’re even on the back of the door.”

“Like I said, I don’t know what it is, but….”Kevin began, quickly pushing Chris the rest of the way in and closing the door, leaving a ticked off Chris struggling to get out, “But, I do know what it can do.” Kevin finished under his breath, a wicked smile forming on his lips.

“Alright man very funny.” Chris shouted, still trying to escape, “Let me out, I have to meet Shelly; HEY! Can you even hear me?”

“Yes, I can, you don’t need to shout, I’m going to let you out very shortly, so just calm down.” Kevin said while walking to the screen and keyboard.

Hearing this, Chris started to relax and take a closer look at the small rods scattered throughout the interior; they were about two inches long, a half an inch thick, with little glass bulbs at the end of each one; reaching out to touch a rod, Chris pulled his hand back as it started to glow.

“What are you doing out there?” Chris inquired, his heart racing wildly.

“Just getting rid of my competition.” Kevin responded, his hands typing away on the keyboard.

“Competition? What are you talking about? I’ve never competed with you; Let me out of here.”

“Really, what about Shelly?” Kevin puzzled.

“Shelly?” Chris repeated, “What are you talking about, you introduced us.”

“Just to show you who I liked, then you went and stole her away from me.” Kevin hollered, still typing away.

“I didn’t know, you… you never told me how you felt.” Chris explained.

Kevin stopped typing for a second and contemplated what Chris was saying, “He’s right.” Kevin thought, “Maybe I’m going too far, If Chris broke up with her, I could swoop in and comfort her.”

Kevin took two steps toward the door to let Chris out when He heard Chris say, “If you had told me, I would have backed off, and not fallen in love with her; you’re my friend after all.” He finished.

“Love?, you’re in love with her,” Kevin shouted, “You can’t love her, she’s mine,” he wailed, almost running back to the keyboard.

Chris knew he had made a mistake telling Kevin he was in love with Shelly, especially if he went through the trouble of locking him in a cabinet just to keep him from attending Shelly’s birthday party. “Oh well,” he thought, “Whenever I get out I’ll just explain to Shelly what hap…”

But that was as far as he got before Kevin hit “Scan”, and the small rod’s sparked to life.

Chris froze; the rods sparked violently creating bright pink, blue, and orange beams of light that fired into his body, vaporizing his clothing. He stood naked, unable to move, as the light continued to penetrate through every atom of Chris’s soul.

The rods stopped their assault, and Chris found he could talk once more, “Kevin…”he began, “Kevin, what the hell was that? That…that light, and…and my clothes, what are you doing?”

Kevin’s smile broadened, and opened his mouth to reply when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him.

“Ahumm…Arumm” the person cleared their throat again; "Just what do you think you’re doing mister?” the soft, sexy voice asked. Kevin didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, he knew that voice, he’d heard it almost every day, since the day he was born, “M…Mom?” he stammered and turned to see his very upset mother.

“I asked you a question mister;” she repeated, “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

Kevin didn’t have a chance to reply before a shaky plea came from within the strange machine, “Miss Johnson? Oh Miss Johnson, thank God you’re here, Please…Please let me out of here;” the boy begged.

“Chris, is that you?” she asked, her eyes never leaving her sons direction.

“Yes…yes, it’s me please let me out, I want to get out of here, please open the door…and please bring me something to cover up with, please hurry.” Chris implored, relief starting to wash over him.

“Naked” she thought, still gazing at her son, “So you’ve scanned him?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes Ma’am,” Kevin answered respectfully, not wanting to get in more trouble, “But…but how do you know about it?”

  Miss Johnson’s eyes sparkled in remembrance, It had been almost three weeks ago when her husband had first shown her the machine


“Hunny, hunny, come look at this.” Mr. Johnson, (Pete), called out.

“What is it,” Lisa, (Mrs. Johnson), asked, curiosity clearly heard in her voice.

“I’m not quite sure, but look at this,” he replied holding up a small cat figurine.

“You know how much I looove collecting these,” she said, giving Pete a big hug, “It’s sooo cute, where did you get it?”

“I made it with this,” he smiled brightly, motioning towards his unique find, “Though I did have a little help.” He confessed.

“This thing makes cute figurines.” She asked, walking closer to get a better look at Pete’s cool new toy. “Show me,” she began, “Make another one.” Her excitement now, almost uncontainable.

“Well…you see, that’s kinda a problem.”

“Why? Omg you were just pulling my leg, I can’t bel…”

“No,” he interrupted, “It's just that to make something you need someone to go inside”. “You see,” he tried to explain, “That little cat figurine, well…that is really Lacie, our cat.”

Lisa looked down at the small ceramic cat in disbelief, “There’s no way I’m going to buy that,” Lisa said and turned to walk back upstairs, “You almost had me,” she admitted.

“Wait, wait, I’ll prove it, we just need someone to go inside, I know….Cathy!” he yelled. “Cathy! Come down here.”

“You can’t be thinking about putting our daughter in there?” Lisa fumed.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe” Mr. Johnson assured his wife, “I’ve turned the cat into hundreds of things and she has always been fine when I changed her back.

Mrs. Johnson started to protest, when her beautiful daughter came hopping down the stairs. “What do you need Daddy?” She asked, a cheerful smile gracing her lovely face.

“Well…I want to show you a magic trick I’ve learned for your baby cousin’s party; want to help out?”He asked.

“Sure daddy, what do I need to do?” she asked, not noticing the disapproving glare her mother was giving her father.

“Just get inside the magic box, and I’ll make you disappear,” he laughed, ignoring his wife’s gaze.

“In here, like this?” she inquired.

“That’s perfect dear, now shut the door and close your eyes, this is going to take a couple minutes.” He told her, motioning for his wife to join him at the controls.

“Ok Daddy.” Cathy smiled, closing the door as instructed.

Lisa walk slowly, still not sure if they should be doing this, but reason took hold of her and she knew it was impossible.

“Now watch,” Pete said. “First thing we have to do is scan her, and you do that by pressing this button here.” He said, pressing down a small green key labeled scan.

Cathy froze in place inside the box, then after a brief moment she let out a tiny scream that startled both of her parents.

Lisa ran to the door to let her daughter out, “I thought you said she would be fine.” She accused Pete reaching for the handle.

“What’s wrong? Why did you scream?” Pete asked with concern.

“It’s my clothes Daddy…they…they disappeared, I’m naked.” Cathy stated.

“Are you hurt sweetie?” her mother asked her hand still ready to open the door.

“No mom, I’m fine, I didn't know this was part of the trick, My clothes better come back before you let me out, cause’ I’m not coming out this way at the party.

” Pete and Lisa let out a chuckle, “Of course they will,” Lisa promised and walked over and hit Pete. “You didn’t tell me her clothes were going to disappear.”

“I didn’t know.” He admitted, “I’ve only used this thing on the cat, and she doesn’t wear any.

Lisa looked Pete in the eyes, “This thing is really going to work.” She mused, a mischievous smile making its way across her lips.

“I told you.” He replied, his own smile getting bigger. “Now next is the fun part,” he said pointing at the screen, “Now we get to pick what we want to change her into, and…” he smiled “other things.”

Lisa looked at the list, it was endless; Pete showed her how to use the different options and how to sort objects into different categories to make selections easier. The whole time Lisa was becoming more and more aroused, she found herself flexing very intimate muscles and blushed.

“I see your going to like this thing as much as me.” Pete teased, seeing her reaction to the many possibilities. “Well, I guess I’ll let you choose, what do you want to turn your daughter into?”

  The question alone was enough to push Lisa over the edge and she blushed again as a small moan escaped her lips. She kissed Pete softly and pressed her selections.

The machine hummed to life as the image of Lisa’s desire spun slowly on the display panel. A small chime rang out and the word’s “Transformation Complete” appeared underneath the rotating picture.

Cathy was standing naked and a little scared inside her father’s “Magic box.” She had been extremely excited to help perform a trick for her cousin’s party, but she had thought it was going to be a “trick,” not real magic. She didn’t know what to do, she wanted to be a good girl and help, but her fear was taking over. She had just decided to get out; when the “Box,” started working again and she found she couldn’t move.

Cathy’s world got bigger as she watched as the walls grew in front of her. Her body was twisted, pulled and compressed so badly she was having a hard time telling where one body part began and another ended. Smaller and smaller she shrunk, the whole while her skin taking on a pinkish hue. Then just as quickly as her transformation had begun, it stopped. She sat upright only a few seconds before gravity took hold causing Cathy to fall helplessly to one side.

“Did it work?” Lisa asked, looking towards Pete.

“Take a look for yourself.” He smiled, and motioned at the door.

Lisa’s heart pounded as she took a step, “Cathy!” she yelled out; “Cathy sweetie, can you hear mommy?” she asked, her hand on the door handle, a bit too nervous to open it.

“Ohh for crying-out-loud Lisa, open the door and look at what you’ve done to your little girl.” Pete pushed.

Taking just one more second, Lisa opened the door wide, half expecting to see her baby girl standing there, ready to yell, “Surprise,” or “We gotcha.” What she saw instead, brought out a small shriek of excitement and a huge smile.

“Oh-my-God, Oh-my-God, Oh-my-God,” she stammered. “It worked, it really worked.” Lisa finished as she bent down and picked up her transformed daughter.

Lisa’s eyes were as big as saucers and her face was locked in an expression of utter bliss. She was holding a soft, cute Chanel purse against her body, giggling and spinning in circles.

“This tiny pink purse is truly our daughter Cathy?” she asked Pete, just wanting to hear him confirm it one more time.

“Yep,” he replied with a smile. “She’s gone from a part of the family, to a part of your wardrobe in just seconds.” He finished, his comment eliciting a small excited shriek from his wife.

“Does she know what’s happened to her?” Lisa asked, biting the corner of her lip.

Pete walked over to the display and looked over the options his wife had made, “According to this,” he began, gesturing to the monitor, “She has no idea, to her and the rest of the world, besides the two of us of course, she is now just your brand new handbag.

Lisa ran her finger along the stitching on her pretty new purse, “How long will she stay like this?”

“Well from my tests with the cat I would have to say…Forever, or at least until you put her back in the machine, so I guess, her fate is in your hands,” Pete laughed, “Literally.”

Lisa looked down at her new purse, her heart was racing, why was she so excited? She didn’t want to keep her daughter like this, did she? No, not forever, but she would like to go show her off, the idea of matching her daughter to different outfits was driving her arousal through the roof.

“Ok hunny, I think you should put her in the machine so we can turn her back, summer just started and I’m sure Cathy had all kinds of plans for today.” Pete reasoned.

Lisa’s heart shot to her throat, Turn her back? Already? No…no she couldn’t let that happen, not yet, she had to think, think fast. “Umm Pete, do…do you think it’s safe to, Just turn her back?”

“It should be, Why?

“I was just thinking,” Lisa hurried to put a plan in action, “You only tested this thing on the cat, what if there are side effects that the cat couldn’t tell you about? What if the transformation was painful or…or scary, what if when we turn her back she just starts freaking out?

Pete could tell Lisa was concerned, but he could also see that she wasn’t telling him everything that was going through her head. “We have to turn her back hunny; we’ll just have to deal with whatever “Side effects” she has, once she’s human again.”

Lisa squeezed her daughter tight, “Of course we need to turn her back, I just think it would be better if we knew exactly what we were dealing with.”

“Well, what do you suggest?”

“I think one of us should get in and experience the transformation for ourselves, then; once we’re changed back we’ll know if there’s going to be any problems.”

Pete looked his wife over, he could tell she was scheming, but there was logic in what she was saying, “Ok, that sounds like a good idea, Just get insi….”

“No Way!” Lisa yelled, cutting him off, “If there is a problem, you want me to have it too?"

Pete began, “You really don’t expect me to get in there do ya?”

“You betcha, this whole thing was your idea, so it’s only fair that you be the one.”

Pete was hesitant, but his wife was right, “Ok, I’ll get in, but, but promise you’ll turn me back right away.”

"I promise I’ll turn you back, what kind of person do you think I am?" Lisa replied with fake anger in her voice, her plan was almost a reality.

“Ok ok, I’m sorry,” Pete apologized giving Lisa a small kiss on her cheek, “So do you know what I’ll be?

“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” Lisa teased, hurrying Pete inside the machine and closing the door.

Pete stood quietly replaying the morning events and thinking about what his wife was going to turn him in to, when suddenly he came to a realization, Lisa had only promised to turn him back, but not right away. He started to yell out but he knew it was too late, his clothes had already disappeared and the transformation was beginning.

Lisa shifted her weight from foot to foot, her panties soaked, she had her daughter hanging helplessly over her shoulder, and now… now she had tricked her hubby into the machine to become, for as long as she wanted, a special gift for herself. Lisa scanned the display, smiled mischievously and chose her husband’s destiny.

End Part 1