
Monday, December 6, 2010

Don't Touch Her Man

Bending over to pick up her earring, Heather felt a sharp pain running through her body, "Ow.." she tried to say, but found no sound escaped her lips.

Trying next to stand, Heather found it impossible to move. The pain was soon replaced with a soft, warm feeling that began at her toes then worked it's way up her body.

Scared now, Heather started to panic, the heat now seemed unbearable, she mentally screamed for someone to help her.

Behind her, just out of sight, came a soft giggle that quickly changed into a loud laugh.

"I told you to stay away from him, but you came to my home and slept with him anyway."

Heather reconized the voice, right as Tia walk into view. "Now you'll pay".

Heather watched as Tia's eyes started to glow, then while raising her hands over Heathers body, Tia began to chant.

Heather felt the air around her change, an invisible force involoped her. The feeling of heat dissipated, replaced with a vice like pressure on her body.

Tia watched with amusement as Heather started to flatten, the spell was working better then she could of ever of hoped. Thinner and thinner Heather became, until all that was left, was what looked like, a half inch cut-out of the very pretty girl.

Heather was totally freaking out, She started with pleas, moved on to curses, and was now praying and promising to be a better person if all this would stop.

Tia looked at the flattened girl and smiled, she ran her hands slowly across Heathers new form, she was soft and warm just as before the transformation.

"Ohh this will never do" Tia said, then bent down and gently began to blow on Heather.

A sudden chill broke Heather from her prayers, Her body was changing, no, not changeing, becoming something else.

Tia stood back and watched as Heather went from flesh and blood to fragile, polished glass. Seeing her reflection in the new Heather, Tia made funny faces and then fixed her hair.

Satisfied with her work, Tia waved a hand causing Heather to float towards the wall. Another small flick of her wrist found the scared girl mounted to the wall.

"There, there deary, I hope you like your new place in my home. It's yours until I change you back, or you get broken."

"I would bet on broken." Tia said while walking away. "Things always get broken here when he and I fight, And I see a huge fight coming when he gets home."

All Heather could do was cry quietly to herself and hope not to end up as tiny glass shards.

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