
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Me And Marie


I hope everyone is doing well and like the new caps. For the record I'm more of a story teller and not a writer. There is a huge difference. I have always wanted to wright a story but I lack the proper education to do so. I have always let this stop me in the past but, no more. I'm going to post bits of a story I'm writing on this blog little by little. This will not stop my promise of at least 1 cap a day through December. If you would like to comment or express your opinion on how the story progresses please feel free to do so. On the other hand, if you want to skip the story and read only the caps, feel free to. Either way, I' m glad you have chosen to visit my little place on the net. Now here is the first page of...

Me and Marie

I met Marie by accident; my car broke down, and having left my wallet at home, I found myself walking. I don’t hate walking, but since getting my license, I was having a hard time remembering the last time my two feet had taken me anywhere.

If my car had to break down, it couldn’t have chosen a better day, it had rained earlier that afternoon leaving behind a crisp, clean feeling in the air. I smiled to myself while passing small puddles, fighting the urge to jump straight in to see how high a splash I could make.

I was making good time so I decided to cut through the park, it would add a bit of time to my getting home, but I really liked watching the ducks that lived around the pond. The baby ducks always earned an “Ohh” or “Ahh” from those standing around watching.

Getting close to the duck pond I took in my surroundings. I was on what I figured was a jogging sidewalk that wound its way around the park. I remembered how as a kid people would yell at me for riding my bike on it. Racing friends, the wind in my hair, laughing at those old people running, wow, how I missed those times.

My reminiscing was cut short by the loud sound of a dog barking and the faint sound of a girl screaming.

I was unsure of what to do. I have never been the hero type; being more of the, duck my head and mind my own business type. It had always served me in the past. Life had taught me that things always seem to go bad for the guy that “got involved”, and I surly didn’t want that fate to befall me.

I tell you this so you understand how strange it was that I found myself running, full speed towards the panicked sounds. There was something in the voice of the girl’s pleas that I couldn’t ignore. It was like my own heart was crying out and I needed to save it.

Closer and closer I got to the crying sobs of the girl; each step causing the fire in my lungs to grow stronger. I wanted to stop and drop to the ground. I was panting, no matter how fast I tried to breath I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs, tears were forming in my eyes, I was getting dizzy, but instead of stopping, I quickened my pace.

Anyone watching could have compared me to the bionic man, I was jumping over bushes and ducks like an Olympic master hurdler, if there was such a thing. My legs felt like jelly, whether I willed it or not my body was closing in on a total shut down.

Just as I started to see a dark tint over the world, I burst through a hedge and found…I found? My mind was having a hard time grasping what was in front of me. There was the dog, a small black thing barking at what was mostly, a young girl. It was the “mostly” that my mind was having trouble with.

Lying on the ground was the source of the whimpering. She was beautiful…and frightening, frightening in the fact that her arms and legs were gone. Not gone like she wasn’t born with them but gone because her body just appeared to blend in with her shirt and skirt.

My heart was pounding, I was still trying to catch my breath from all the running, and now…now I was looking at something that was impossible. People don't just merge with their clothing; but…but here I was, standing in front of this mass of girl and clothes.

My fear and disbelief was soon overtaken by the look of distress in her eyes, my heart still ached to help, but I didn’t know what to do. Should I add my voice to hers in a vain attempt to get aid? I didn’t know, I was scared but wanted…no…needed to help her.


  1. I like it as a start, when do we get to find out why she is transforming?

  2. keep up the writing :) dont let anyone tell u otherwise. Especially the good work u put out, im happy SOMEONE is doing it. Glad to see u back

  3. hihi,

    Thank you for your kind words. I am working on the second part now:) Would be faster but my caps keep turning into mini stories,my spelling and grammer are aweful, so the longer the cap the longer the time taken to proof it so I don't look totally uneducated:) lol, I still miss a lot of things. Thanks for wrighting..errm writing:)


