
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mean = Nasty

Sarah stood back and watched as the last of Anne’s mind regressed away. The anger and panicked filled expression faded into the smile of an innocent, wonder filled baby. “Googa..blaa” Ann said, causing Sarah to burst out laughing, “Ahhh, aren’t you just the cutest thing”, Sarah said mockingly to the now oblivious girl.

Satisfied with Ann, Sarah turned her attention to Ron and pulled the tape off his mouth. “You can speak now; I really want to hear what you think about your girlfriend. Isn’t she adorable”?

“You Bi*#%!!!, How could you do that to her, she doesn’t deserve that”.

“Still calling me names Ron”? Tears of frustration dropped from Sarah’s cheek. “Every day you two pick on me and call me names, then when I start crying, you call me a baby, well look who the baby is now”.

Ron started, “I’m sorr..”, “DON’T EVEN!”, Sarah yelled, cutting him off, “It’s too late for apologies, Anne has her punishment and now it’s time for yours”. “You were always twice as mean as her, so your punishment is going to be twice as bad”

Sarah poured the last bit of magic dust into her hand, walked over to Ron, closed her eyes, and blew it into his face. “Wha..What’s going to happen to me” he questioned. “Am I going to be like her?” Sarah didn’t answer; she took a step back and watched as the magic did its work.

Ron stood frozen as the powder started its spell, He felt his clothes loosen and body pull into itself. Terror flooded his mind as he began to shrink. Smaller and small he became, his vision soon cut off as his shirt fell over him.

Sarah pulled Ron’s clothes away just in time to see what was left of him turn white and flatten out. “Hi there Ron, You turned out perfect”.

If Sarah thought Ron had called her name before, she was lucky she couldn’t hear him now. Ron was struggling to come to terms with what was happening to him. Unconcerned with Ron’s internal conflicts, Sarah picked him up and walked over to Anne.

“I know you can hear me”, Sarah stated, “Unlike your precious baby girlfriend, I left you in full control of you faculties. Your mind is unchanged, you just can’t move”.

“Now for the really fun part”, Sarah smiled. “Lay back Anne, sweetie.” Ron was horrified as he watched Sarah guide Anne to her back, lift her legs, then lay and smooth him out under her. “This can’t be happening”, the former boy cried to himself.

Sarah grabbed some baby powder and sprinkled it on Anne’s bottom, next she folded Ron so he fit snug around his girlfriends’ delicates. “There, doesn’t that feel good Anne”, Sarah patted her bottom and stood up.

Ron’s mind was racing, he had felt the weight of Anne on him, the folding of his body, and the pat on her butt, He found it unsettling he could smell and taste the powder that was placed on Anne. “Omg” he realized, if I can smell and taste, then….NOOO! He tried to scream.

Sarah was very pleased and started to walk away, but before she left she wanted to make sure Ron knew what his new life was going to be like. “As you can tell Ron, your now a diaper for that baby of a girlfriend you have, The spell makes it so you absorb everything, and I do mean everything” Sarah smiled brightly at those words.

“You're not just a diaper, you’re a magic diaper, you won’t break or tare. And you will be reused over and over until Anne is potty trained, Then you’ll both be restored to how you were before the transformation”. Sarah let a long pause go by wanting hope to build in Ron at being restored.

Ready now to finish him off, she finished, “But the magic I used on Anne will keep her from EVER being potty trained”. Sarah started to giggle wildly then added, “You liked to poop all over me, now it’s your turn to be pooped on”. Then with a skip in her step, Sarah left, leaving both of them to their new fates.