
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Using Roommates Things

Tammy got home from the gym early, she was exhausted, her instructor seeming to be in a bad mood, had proceeded to take it out on the class, working them at an almost torturous pace. Things only got worse, when after the class, she and the rest of the girls found the showers out-of-order. Now, finally at home she couldn’t wait to wash off the ickiness from her mornings exercises.

In her hurry to wash she failed to take notice that both her roommate and roommates boyfriend, weren’t lounging around like they normally did on Saturday mornings.

Reaching the bathroom, she shut the door and started to strip, making sure to drop her clothes into the hamper. Pulling the curtain open, Tammy turned the water on, hot first, and stood waiting for the temperature to get just right.

While waiting she did a quick mental check list making sure everything needed was within reach so she didn’t have to make a wet, cold run to get a missing item. Living with roommates had taught her, never take anything for granted, and to always double check.

Towel, shampoo, conditioner, check…oil, powder, check…soap…”Damm!” she cursed loudly. No soap, already naked she peeked out the bathroom door and shouted to see if anyone was home. Not hearing a response she made a quick naked dash to find some.

“Errgg”, she moaned not finding any in the hall closet. “Maybe” she thought, and headed for her roommates’ room, her roommate was notorious for pilfering things and keeping them in her private bath.

Tammy started towards the bath, when she noticed, in the middle of her roommate’s bed, was a new, but opened, bar of soap. One hand covering her breast, she use the other to pick it up and run to the shower.

Stepping into the warm water, she stood not moving, allowing the soothing effect of the water to relax this morning’s aggravations away.

Deciding she had soaked long enough, Tammy grabbed the bar of soap and touched it to her body, preparing to lather up. Catching her off guard, a not unpleasant jolt ran through her body.

She looked down at the soap. “Ohh, that naughty little witch of a roommate”, she thought with a sly smile, “What had she made this time”. Tammy turned the bar over and over in her hand, it looked like regular soap, bringing it her face she took a quick sniff. “Mmm..” “Smells yummy”.

Knowing that her roommate made many objects to make her….feel good, Tammy felt it safe to continue washing.

Tammy gasped again as the bar touched her skin. Her roommate’s new toy was devious. It started as warm, tingling sensation, that as more of the soap was used, turned into a gentle, teasing massage.

She generously rubbed it onto her breast, allowing the tension in her nipples to intensify until she found her free hand reach up and gingerly caress them. A soft moan escaped her lips as tiny droplets of milk were released from the swollen centers or her little friends.

Not wanting the ecstasy to subside she concentrated on moving the dwindling bar further down her body. Down her belly, passing her navel, until she found what she was looking for. The soft folds of her sex craved the silky contact.

Losing all control, she thrust what was left of the pleasure giving creation into her wet, wanting emptiness. She screamed, her legs failed her, every muscle in her body froze…Time stopped for her, she didn’t breathe, no thoughts past through her mind, then …..Release.

Her orgasm hit her...hard. past orgasms had flowed over her like a wave, this, this felt as if God was bored that day and had touched her himself, changing her from flesh and blood into nothing but pure bliss and rapture.

Fifteen minutes went by before she even tried to move, standing was difficult but she managed it and rinsed the last bits of soap from her body. Turning the water off, she stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel and dried off.

Back in her roommates’ room there was a desperate shout. Startled, Tammy opened the door and walked wobblely to see what was wrong. Standing in the door way she watched the terrified girl search frantically for something.

“What’s wrong Hun? What are you looking for?” Tammy asked, hoping she could help her distressed friend.

“It’s Mike” she cried. “I was feeling kinky so I turned him into a bar of soap”, “I was going to tease him then turn him back, but I needed an ingredient that would make it safe for him to be used”, “I could of sworn I left him on my bed but…” she started sobbing uncontrollably not able to finish her sentence.

All color left Tammy’s face as she realized what she done, Mike, her best friends love was no more. All that was left was the sweet scent of him on her still recovering body.


  1. really great :) love stories like these. Unknowing tf is always great, especially when it has to do with another party that doesnt have a clue lol

  2. I'm soo glad you liked it:) Thank you for posting, I love hearing from people:)

  3. would be nice to see this from his point of view.

  4. Really like this one. Always been a fan of transformations where the transformee is used up.


  5. Might be nice to see what the witch does in response to Mike being used by her roommate. Maybe turns her into body wash?
