
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

hihi 103

Hello everyone, Sorry I've been away i was ill again, i know right, always sick, but I'm feeling better, YaY! Well it looks like there was a tie for the title contest; Pot Luck & Flora Of A Whore-a, great job guys:) but there can only be one winner so im going to repost just the two of them, and let you guys decide. I'm still working on that story, me not being much of a writer its taking a while. Thank you for your great ideas, keep them coming:)



Hihi, Part 102

Everyone, It's Saturday so like i promised I picked 5, not 4 entries for the title contest. Some of you submitted more then 1, so to keep it fair, I picked my favorite of them and posted it to be voted on:) I'm working on another mini story and have a few caps, including requested ones, in the works. The story may or may not be finished this weekend but i hope so. The caps will be, so keep checking back.:) Don't forget to vote for your favorite Title, I know i will:)


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cold Love

Kelly let the sweet tasting drops flow slowly past her lips and into her mouth. Her heart pounded as she let the small droplets pool in her mouth before swallowing the cool liquid.

Her lips were numb from the coldness of the ice but she wouldn’t stop…couldn’t stop rubbing the last bits of tiny frost across them.

She could feel the chill of the fluid run through her, merging with her, refreshing her soul. Her body tingled, her toes curled, a small moan escaped her lips.

She knew she should stop, it was just a game, she was only to tease him, then change him back; she could hear him crying, pleading for her to halt, but she couldn’t, she needed him, all of him, inside of her.

He tried to get her to quit, he yelled, begging her to remember their love, the love they shared, the undying trust between them, but it was no use; he felt a darkness coming over him, as his soul blended with hers.

It was over, tears ran down her face, he was gone, now only a memory, her heart was breaking, she shouted his name.

Her body shivered at the sound of his name, she called out again, and trembled as the sensation assaulted her again; she smiled, he wasn’t gone, he was there, a part of her now, forever flowing through her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

hihi part 101


I am so happy, I've been getting great suggestions for a title on that story:) I'm keeping the contest open until Saturday then I'm going to pick four and let you guys vote on the winner. Since the great response on the mini story I tried telling another:) I hope you like "Best Friends & Girl Friends" as much as i enjoyed trying to tell it. I also want to take the time to thank Ashley from for her support. Thank you.



Best Friends & Girl Friends

Best Friend & Girl Friends

Mynn grabbed Sara’s hand tightly and ran, almost pulling her along. “Come on Sara you’re going to love this.” She said excitedly picking up her pace. “These booths are so much fun, my sister and I use them all the time.”

Sara hurried to keep up with her best friend; she was trying to make this a great day for Mynn, having something important she wanted to talk about. Sara figured it would be best to get Mynn in the greatest mood possible before springing the news on her.

“I’m coming as fast as I can,” Sara stated, moving her smaller legs as fast as she could.

“You’re such a slow poke.” Mynn teased, finally making it to the booth.

“Well, if your legs were as small as mine, you wouldn’t say that.” She replied. “Now what is it that has you trying to pull my arm out of the socket?” Sara asked.

“This,” Mynn smiled, holding her arms out presenting the machine dramatically.

“What is it?” Sara questioned, while looking the strange object over.

“What is it…what is it, haven’t you ever used a transformation booth?” Mynn asked in disbelief.

“Nope, but I have heard of them; and I hear they’re dangerous” Sara said still looking the odd thing over.

“No way, me and my sister use them all of the time, they’re great fun. As a matter-of-fact, we just used one a couple of days ago.” Mynn said with a mischievous grin.

“A couple of days ago?” Sara thought to herself. “Is that why she hadn’t seen Mamina last night.” She wondered. “Mynn,” she started, “I haven’t seen your sister at home for a couple of days; do you know where she is?”

Mynn’s smile broadened and she tried to hold in a giggle, “Yes I know exactly where she is.” Her eyes twinkled. “She’s been with us all day.”

“All day? Ah…just where and what is she?” Sara questioned, hesitant to know the answer.

Mynn’s eyes darted to Sara’s chest, “Umm…Remember this morning you spilled tea on your blouse and needed to borrow a shirt?”

Sara blushed, “You can’t mean, I…I’m wearing your sister, Sh…She’s holding me and touching my…my…” Sara looked down embarrassed.

Mynn let loose the giggle she had been holding in, and began to laugh hysterically, “You should see your face, its sooo red; Omg, I can’t believe how shy your acting, you’ve had her on all day, it’s too late to be so timid.”

“I…I just can’t get over it, I never would of known if you hadn’t told me.” Sara said still flustered. “How long is she like this, and how can we turn her back?” she asked with concern.

Mynn stopped laughing and answered, “To turn her back all I have to do is put her in the booth and press the RESTORE button, as to how long she is suppose to stay like that, well…”she continued, “To be honest, I had promised to turn her back yesterday; she said she had a special date planned.”

“Why didn’t you keep your word then? I bet her date waited and worried half the night.” Sara wanted to know, a little anger showing in her eyes.

“Why are you getting so worked up? Really it was an accident; I set her on the table to get her some clothes, the machine only changes someone’s body, and when I walked back to get her she was gone. Our roommate thought she was doing a favor and took her to the cleaners with some of her things. I didn’t get her back until late last night, and by then, I was ready for bed.” Mynn explained.

“So why not bring her here and restore her right away this morning, instead of giving her to me to wear?” Sara puzzled.

“No way.” Mynn retorted, “If I had done that, Mamina would of yelled at me all morning and we never would of gone out today; as far as you wearing her, that’s just good luck, I figured it would be more fun for her out with us than left in a closet at home.” Mynn smiled again.

Sara stood there quietly for a moment, then making a mental decision, she smiled at Mynn. “Ok enough about your sister, how this work?”

Mynn clapped her hands, “YAY”, she shouted, “I get in here and you use that screen over there to choose what we want, then when we’re ready, just press the “start” button.” She said excitedly. “Oh” Mynn added, “Here, please take my stuff so it doesn’t hit the floor, and there are some bags to your left you can use to put my clothes and things in after the transformation.”

“Ok, I think I’ve got it, all I need to know now is what you want to be.” Sara declared.

Mynn shook her head, “Nope, you have to decide, not knowing until after its over is half the fun.”

Sara looked through the options searching for just the right item, she smiled joyfully finding what she wanted and set the image to the proper size. “Perfect,” she said.

“I can tell by that goofy grin, you’re happy with your choice, I can hardly wait and see what I’ll become.” Mynn said with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Now there’s a lot of thing I want to do over the weekend so I need you to turn me….”

That’s as far as Mynn got before Sara pressed the start button. A bright light flashed, followed by soft clicks and what sounded like Mynn moaning in pleasure; after a couple more seconds another bright flash lit up the machine and the script, “Transformation Complete, Please Retrieve Your Items, Have A Nice Day,” scrolled on the control panel.

Sara open the door slowly and looked inside, it was very “Techno” looking; different colored lights flashed, reflected by tiny mirrors that seemed randomly applied to the walls. Written on some of the mirrors were people’s names, while others had lipstick kisses left by excited users of the machine. On the floor were the same mirrors and light but covered with a thick piece of glass that made it possible to walk on without breaking the fragile items.

Sara gasped, then smiled as she saw Mynn. She had turned out gorgeous. A brand new, beautiful black dress, just like the image on the monitor, hung silently on the wall. She giggled softly as she realized Mynn even had a tag.

“Oh Mynn,” Sara gushed, “You are so soft and lovely, I can’t wait to see you on.” But first…” Sara mumbled, pulling a tank top from Mynn’s clothing that still lay on the floor. “First I need to change your sister back; it was me that had a date with her last night.” “I was going to tell you about her and me later today, but now seems like a good time to me.” She said while taking Mamina off and putting the tank top on.

“She got to hang out with us today, so I guess it’s only fair to let you join us on our date tonight.” Sara snickered. “Like you said, it’s much better then hanging in the closet all night.” Sara teased. “Don’t worry; I’m sure Mamina will return the favor and have you dry cleaned before she lets me restore you…IF she lets me restore you. I hope you enjoy yourself, I know we will.”

Sunday, January 2, 2011

hihi part (not sure)


Happy New Year everyone:)
Sorry I've been away but thats the holidays for ya, I've been busy busy, but I haven't forgotton about you:) I have been working on a cap that got way out of hand again:P The only problem is I couldn't come up with a title, sooo...I'm hoping you guys will help:) Just post in comments or e-mail or use request tab to leave your idea on one:) The best title wins:) Wins what..well how about a cameo in the next out of control cap:) Kk, I Gotta go, but first let me say thank you to all those that visit but most of all to those who e-mail or post:) Now get to reading:)
Luv ya


Need Help With One

Janet sat smugly waiting for Scott to answer. “What’s it going to be huh? You promised to leave your wife months ago, I’m not waiting any longer, so you decide, Leave her now, or I’m going to wait here until she gets home and tell her EVERYTHING”.

Scott was doing his best to keep his temper. This wasn’t the first time Janet had threatened him: usually he could just calm her down with a couple of drinks and a bit of flattery. This tactic, however, was having no effect tonight.

“Look Janet”, Scott started, hoping one last time it could be settled with a few small lies. “I do love you; you just need to be a bit more patient. I’m just waiting for the right time, we’ll be together soon, if I leave now she’ll get everything and I’ll be a broke loser that can’t take care of you the way you deserve. Just give me a little more time.”

“No” she shouted, “I’ve waited long enough and I’m not waiting any longer. I’m going to sit right here and wait for her to get home.” Then as to prove her point she crossed her arms, and stared at Scott with pure determination

Scott was way past angry now. His wife was due within the next half hour and he had this stubborn little girl sitting here, with no intention of leaving. He played every scenario he could think of through his head hoping to find a way out of this situation. None ended without his butt on a platter, except for one

“Janet please” he begged, “Please leave now, you can’t be here when Kelly get s home. It would destroy her and would end badly for all of us. She just isn’t the person you want to get upset. We can talk more about this later, but for now you need to go.”

Janet refused to budge, nothing Scott could say would make her lose her resolve. In her mind meeting Scott’s wife was the only way to ensure her happiness.

“Oh Janet, I wish you would have been more reasonable but we’re out of time. Kelly will be walking through that door any second and I can’t have her see you, well not see you like you are, that is.”

Janet had no idea what Scott was talking about, See her like she was? What was he talking about? He must just be trying to play another mind game with her, “Well” she thought to herself, “It wasn’t going to work.”

Janet watched as Scott walked over to his bookshelf and unlocked a small door. Curious, she focused her attention on the long, narrow box he pulled out. Scott unhooked the small latch and pulled out what looked to her to be old curvy stick.

Time running out, Scott lifted the gift his wife had given him over Janet’s head, then closing his eyes, said something too soft for her to hear. He then touched the top of her head and waited for what was to come.

Janet felt the touch to her head and gasped, a sensation ran through the length of her body, she didn’t know what to make of it but she knew something was wrong,

Her lungs felt as if they were on fire and over inflated, she exhaled hoping to relieved the pressure and found the more she breathed out the smaller she appeared to get. Scared at the sensation of shrinking, Janet closed her mouth quickly, trying to stop something she believed was impossible.

Scott watched the whole thing with impatience, Kelly could be walking in, and Janet was still…well still Janet; A Janet only about half the size but a recognizable person just the same. He didn’t understand what was taking so long until he noticed the poor girl holding her nose with one hand and her mouth with the other. He chuckled at her desperate attempt to slow the spell.

Janet was terrified, she couldn’t hold her breath much longer, the look in Scott’s eyes gave no hint he was going to help her, in fact, the gleam they reflected, hinted at the conclusion of a devious thought. Scott reached down and started tickling her.

She tried, ohh how she tried not to laugh but she had always been overly ticklish. Scott knew it, and smiled evilly as he remembered the many times Janet had peed herself trying to escape his playful torments. The tears swelling in her eyes gave way to the sounds of girlish glee.

Smaller and smaller she shrank, her clothes pooling up around her. Janet’s heart was racing and her sides hurt from Scott’s mean spirited assault. “Please Scott, please stop this.” She finally managed to say, her legs crossed tightly to help stay off another embarrassing moment.

Scott, for his part, was enjoying watching the diminishing girl struggle. He loved the tiny sounds coming from her pouty lips, the sight of her reddening, tear soaked face and the vision of her once tall and beautiful body being drowned by her now to big clothes.

He couldn’t hardly stand it, taking in the sight of her had him so aroused, he felt he was about to burst. Then came her tiny plea to stop, the sound of her voice was so high and soft it sent a shiver down his spine. Looking into her wet, desperate eyes he smiled, bent down and kissed her, licking her lower lip gently as they parted.

Janet found it hard to do anything, including breathe; her body was held in place by Scotts ever growing hands and the weight of her way-to-huge outfit. The tickling hadn’t stopped; she was losing the battle to keep her dignity as her shrinking body was getting caught in her pants making it harder every second to keep her legs tightly closed.

Janet’s frustration was growing out of control, she was shrinking, Scott was smiling and laughing, the pressure between her legs was overbearing and she felt hot and sweaty from her nonstop giggling. On the verge of a break down she sat, needing only one more thing to push her over the edge; And here it was, Scotts warm lips kissing hers.

It was the added touch of him licking her lower lip that broke her. This is something she had always done lovingly to him, and now he did teasingly to her. Janet’s spirit broken, a warm wet sensation spread from her bottom. Tears rolled down her face like rain on a window pane, no more giggles just sobs of grief could be heard from the heart broken girl.

Hearing the tears and knowing Janet had peed herself Scott lost it and laughed uncontrollably. Catching his breath he had already stopped tickling the weeping girl. Janet had gotten too small and he knew the next part of the spell would be starting soon.

Scott looked down at what was left of the woman he had spent the last six months sleeping with. Janet was just about the size of a collectors Barbie doll and completely naked. She was crying softly with her legs pulled up against her chest. She looked so delicate it made his heart skip a beat.

Janet was afraid to move, she sat almost in the middle of her blouses neck hole, her feet covered only slightly by the silky collar. Everything was so big, Scotts shadow fell over her like clouds blocking the sun, his smile tore at her heart. How could he be so terrible? She truly loved him and had thought he loved her too. Memories of their time together caused her to start crying again.

Janet’s crying was brought to an abrupt halt. Something grabbed her. Was it Scott? No, Scott was still smiling over her. The force lifted her up into a standing position, and posed her arms and legs as if she was in the middle of a jumping-jack.

Janet’s body began to reshape and change colors, her legs fraying and turning brown while her chest, arms and head spread out becoming a bright green. She was terrified, she felt her torso constrict, thinner and thinner it became until it was as small as a hotel lobby toothpick.

Around her, her clothes were changing as well. The light pink blouse, tight jeans and comfy shoes, pulled up around her and blended together. They swirled and shrank until the mass was only as tall as she was. Then the mass closest to her began to crumble while the outside became hard.

Janet felt herself lifted gently into the air; her once cozy ensemble, closed in, completely enveloping her lower half. Her eyes crossed, and when they focused again, she could see in almost any direction. She was scared and tried to yell, but no sound came out.

Scott stood smiling down at his new creation. She had turned out perfect. Where once sat the sweet, lovely Janet was now a tiny, budding potted plant. Reaching down he touched one of her new leaves, then he teasingly tugged on it. “I wonder what would happen if I pulled it off,” he said, still tugging on the small plant.

Janet was in shock, shrinking was one thing, but now…now she wasn’t even human anymore. The bas#@^d had turned her into a plant. She tried vainly to shout or move but found it impossible. She could still breathe but it wasn’t the same.

As if being turned into a plant wasn’t bad enough now Scott was touching her. How dare he...”OWW!” She mentally screamed. What is he doing? “Ouch...Oh God he’s pulling my leaf,” “Please ohh please don’t do it” Janet cried to herself.

Scott’s train of thought shifted as he heard the jingling of keys attempting to unlock the house door. “Damm she’s home” he mumbled to himself, quickly grabbing the wooden box and sprinting to put the wand away before his wife entered. Fumbling with the cabinet door he managed to get it closed just as Kelly walked into the room.

“Hi honey” she said as she walked over to give Scott a soft peck on the cheek. “How was your day?” she asked while setting her purse down and kicking off her shoes.

“Good”, he replied, his heart still racing from the effort of getting the wand put away. “How was your day?”

“Busy, I swear, sometimes I think the world would stop if I didn’t show up for work.” “Hey, are you even listening to me? What are you looking at?”

“Ahh…I’m sorry Kelly, It’s...It’s this.” He stammered, lifting the petite plant up for her to see. “I know how much you like to brighten the house up with your green thumb; so I bought this for you.” He stated as he handed the small piece of greenery to her.

Kelly wasn’t stupid; she had sensed the use of magic before she had even reached the front door. Now, in her hands she knew the reason. “So little plant.” She reached out with her mind. “What could you of possibly done to get yourself into this mess?”

Janet had been taking in her new form; the feel of the earth at her…feet? The feel of the light on her…”Oh God please let me wake up, please let this be a dream” she was about to start crying again until she felt Kelly’s gaze and heard her voice ask a question in her mind.

“Well little plant, are you going to answer, or should I just put you on the kitchen windowsill?” Kelly asked while gently petting one of the sweet smelling leafs.

Janet related the whole story to Kelly, starting from when she first met Scott, the stories he told about Kelly, their plans to go away together, she left nothing out, scared to be caught in a lie and hopeful that Kelly would help her.

Kelly listened with great interest, not saying a word but mentally nodding from time to time. She couldn’t believe how blind she had been to whole affair. She trusted Scott completely; she had even forged the wand he used on Janet as a gift of trust and love.

Kelly was angry and hurt. It wasn’t just the lying and cheating but it was the fact that Scott had used her own magic to try and cover up his little fling. “Ooo,” she angrily thought, “You slimy toad of a man. What to do what to do?”

Janet hadn’t heard Kelly’s voice since completing the awful story and started to wonder if she ever would again.

Kelly walked into the kitchen and headed for the sink. She retrieved a small cup from the cabinet and filled it half way with water. Then she tipped it over the plant giving it a health drink. Finished she put the cup in the sink and placed Janet on the windowsill.

“There you go” Kelly started, breaking her silence to the frightened plant, “You don’t really deserve what happened to you but I’m too mad at both of you to even think about helping: Maybe someday, but not today, and probably not far a very, very long time.”

Janet started to cry again, wondering if the rest of her days would be spent looking out the window and watching as life went on around her.

“Oh stop your crying girl.” Kelly yelled into Janet’s mind, “At least there’s still hope for you, but for him, well...let’s just say after I calm down, I’m going to have a bit of fun with the two timing, no good…well, you get the idea, don’t you sweetie?”

With that said, Kelly walked away leaving Janet to her fate in the window and headed upstairs to take a shower. She always felt refreshed and clear headed after the warm water washed over her. “And I thought it was going to be just another boring weekend of laundry and movies” she thought to herself as ideas and images of what she was going to do to him ran through her head.

“I’ll be out in a minute, I’m going to take a shower, Oh, and Hun, thanks for the gift” she yelled out to Scott, “I have a special surprise for you, so don’t go anywhere.” She smiled brightly. “A surprise you’ll never forget.” She finished quietly and stepped into the shower.