
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Friends & Girl Friends

Best Friend & Girl Friends

Mynn grabbed Sara’s hand tightly and ran, almost pulling her along. “Come on Sara you’re going to love this.” She said excitedly picking up her pace. “These booths are so much fun, my sister and I use them all the time.”

Sara hurried to keep up with her best friend; she was trying to make this a great day for Mynn, having something important she wanted to talk about. Sara figured it would be best to get Mynn in the greatest mood possible before springing the news on her.

“I’m coming as fast as I can,” Sara stated, moving her smaller legs as fast as she could.

“You’re such a slow poke.” Mynn teased, finally making it to the booth.

“Well, if your legs were as small as mine, you wouldn’t say that.” She replied. “Now what is it that has you trying to pull my arm out of the socket?” Sara asked.

“This,” Mynn smiled, holding her arms out presenting the machine dramatically.

“What is it?” Sara questioned, while looking the strange object over.

“What is it…what is it, haven’t you ever used a transformation booth?” Mynn asked in disbelief.

“Nope, but I have heard of them; and I hear they’re dangerous” Sara said still looking the odd thing over.

“No way, me and my sister use them all of the time, they’re great fun. As a matter-of-fact, we just used one a couple of days ago.” Mynn said with a mischievous grin.

“A couple of days ago?” Sara thought to herself. “Is that why she hadn’t seen Mamina last night.” She wondered. “Mynn,” she started, “I haven’t seen your sister at home for a couple of days; do you know where she is?”

Mynn’s smile broadened and she tried to hold in a giggle, “Yes I know exactly where she is.” Her eyes twinkled. “She’s been with us all day.”

“All day? Ah…just where and what is she?” Sara questioned, hesitant to know the answer.

Mynn’s eyes darted to Sara’s chest, “Umm…Remember this morning you spilled tea on your blouse and needed to borrow a shirt?”

Sara blushed, “You can’t mean, I…I’m wearing your sister, Sh…She’s holding me and touching my…my…” Sara looked down embarrassed.

Mynn let loose the giggle she had been holding in, and began to laugh hysterically, “You should see your face, its sooo red; Omg, I can’t believe how shy your acting, you’ve had her on all day, it’s too late to be so timid.”

“I…I just can’t get over it, I never would of known if you hadn’t told me.” Sara said still flustered. “How long is she like this, and how can we turn her back?” she asked with concern.

Mynn stopped laughing and answered, “To turn her back all I have to do is put her in the booth and press the RESTORE button, as to how long she is suppose to stay like that, well…”she continued, “To be honest, I had promised to turn her back yesterday; she said she had a special date planned.”

“Why didn’t you keep your word then? I bet her date waited and worried half the night.” Sara wanted to know, a little anger showing in her eyes.

“Why are you getting so worked up? Really it was an accident; I set her on the table to get her some clothes, the machine only changes someone’s body, and when I walked back to get her she was gone. Our roommate thought she was doing a favor and took her to the cleaners with some of her things. I didn’t get her back until late last night, and by then, I was ready for bed.” Mynn explained.

“So why not bring her here and restore her right away this morning, instead of giving her to me to wear?” Sara puzzled.

“No way.” Mynn retorted, “If I had done that, Mamina would of yelled at me all morning and we never would of gone out today; as far as you wearing her, that’s just good luck, I figured it would be more fun for her out with us than left in a closet at home.” Mynn smiled again.

Sara stood there quietly for a moment, then making a mental decision, she smiled at Mynn. “Ok enough about your sister, how this work?”

Mynn clapped her hands, “YAY”, she shouted, “I get in here and you use that screen over there to choose what we want, then when we’re ready, just press the “start” button.” She said excitedly. “Oh” Mynn added, “Here, please take my stuff so it doesn’t hit the floor, and there are some bags to your left you can use to put my clothes and things in after the transformation.”

“Ok, I think I’ve got it, all I need to know now is what you want to be.” Sara declared.

Mynn shook her head, “Nope, you have to decide, not knowing until after its over is half the fun.”

Sara looked through the options searching for just the right item, she smiled joyfully finding what she wanted and set the image to the proper size. “Perfect,” she said.

“I can tell by that goofy grin, you’re happy with your choice, I can hardly wait and see what I’ll become.” Mynn said with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Now there’s a lot of thing I want to do over the weekend so I need you to turn me….”

That’s as far as Mynn got before Sara pressed the start button. A bright light flashed, followed by soft clicks and what sounded like Mynn moaning in pleasure; after a couple more seconds another bright flash lit up the machine and the script, “Transformation Complete, Please Retrieve Your Items, Have A Nice Day,” scrolled on the control panel.

Sara open the door slowly and looked inside, it was very “Techno” looking; different colored lights flashed, reflected by tiny mirrors that seemed randomly applied to the walls. Written on some of the mirrors were people’s names, while others had lipstick kisses left by excited users of the machine. On the floor were the same mirrors and light but covered with a thick piece of glass that made it possible to walk on without breaking the fragile items.

Sara gasped, then smiled as she saw Mynn. She had turned out gorgeous. A brand new, beautiful black dress, just like the image on the monitor, hung silently on the wall. She giggled softly as she realized Mynn even had a tag.

“Oh Mynn,” Sara gushed, “You are so soft and lovely, I can’t wait to see you on.” But first…” Sara mumbled, pulling a tank top from Mynn’s clothing that still lay on the floor. “First I need to change your sister back; it was me that had a date with her last night.” “I was going to tell you about her and me later today, but now seems like a good time to me.” She said while taking Mamina off and putting the tank top on.

“She got to hang out with us today, so I guess it’s only fair to let you join us on our date tonight.” Sara snickered. “Like you said, it’s much better then hanging in the closet all night.” Sara teased. “Don’t worry; I’m sure Mamina will return the favor and have you dry cleaned before she lets me restore you…IF she lets me restore you. I hope you enjoy yourself, I know we will.”


  1. Love it. Nothing better than a little payback. And the concept of the transformation booth just has all kinds of possibilities.

  2. I always love dress transformations I also think volunteers are always better. I do not mind forced transformations but they tend to leave me a little cold when they just very mean or evil. I think there is somthing sweet about the idea of someone trusting someone else with everything they are, but I do admit I love it when that trust is misplaced. Accidental and stuck changes are also up my street.

    I agree with JMD that that booth is a nifty concept.

  3. Definitely want to live in a world where TF booths are commonplace!

    Interesting in the story that although the TF booths are said to be dangerous, those transformed seemed quite durable. Usually i would expect getting sent to the dry cleaners would make a TF permanent.
