
Friday, July 15, 2011

She Likes Mom Best

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Cody asked, his excitement and uncertainty clearly visible on his face. “Of course”, Yukino replied with a small grin, “Are you really sure you want me to do this?”

“Cody, get in here right now! You’re going to spend the next two weeks grounded to your room”, Cody’s mom, Stacy, yelled.

“Yes please I’m sure” Cody blurted “Please hurry, I don’t want to waste my vacation stuck in my room.”

“Ok, stand still and close your eyes, it helps keep you from getting too dizzy.” Yukino explained. “OOya zzeft kenipi” she chanted quietly.

Cody’s body began to shimmer, he could feel himself start to fall and bend in ways that his mind screamed impossible, fear started to take hold of him and he began to panic.

“This I a bad idea.” He tried to shout, “Stop this, I’ve changed my mind!” but it was too late, he felt himself fall gently to the floor, and watched helplessly as Yukino looked down at him from what seemed like miles above him.

“Hi there Cody,” Yukino smiled and bent down slowly, carefully lifting the transformed boy by his new, thin shoulder straps, “You turned out so very cute.”

“Cody, where are you?” Stacy shouted again, as she walked in and watched Yukino hold a delicate dress in the air by its straps with one hand and slowly stroked the soft material with her other.

Yukino stopped what she was doing and faced Stacy; the two ladies looked at each other and smiled, “That’s not…” Stacy began and started to laugh, “That’s not Cody…He actually let you turn him into that girlie thing?”

“I told you he would.” Yukino grinned while undressing. “When he heard you yelling about being grounded, he darn near begged me to do.” She finished a twinkle in her eye.

Stacy walked over and took her transformed son from Yukino as the young girl was undressing, “So you thought you could get out of your punishment by hiding from me again.” She mocked and gently tossed him in the air, catching him before he fell to the floor, laughing loudly at her son’s predicament. “Well not this time,” she finished and helped pull him over Yukino's sexy little body.

“So I get to keep him for two weeks?” Yukino asked, twirling, enjoying the feeling of her new creation.

“Just one”, Stacy corrected, “At the end of the week I want you to bring him back and change him into something I can wear.” She winked and took another chance to touch the fine material. “A purse maybe, or…something I can wear to bed.”

Yukino smiled mischievously, “Ok see you in a week.” She promised, and grabbed her discarded clothes and walked out the door.


  1. Both this story (if you can call it that or cap?) and Remote pt.1 are fantastic, this is where you really shine in your works and you should definitely continue to do more, add sequels, and whatever you feel like! Keep up the great work, it's only getting better every time I come back and I can't wait to see the next piece you have...


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