
Friday, January 25, 2013

Michael pt2

Heather awoke next to Michael, a content smile on her face. The kiss on the porch led quickly to a night of love making neither had ever enjoyed before. She dared not move, not wanting to wake him, the feeling of his body next to her made tiny butterflies flutter in her tummy. She couldn't be any happier.

Michael stirred, and released a soft sigh; he had been awake for some time. The nights activates played over in his mind. He couldn't remember ever of being so at one with another person. Last night’s kiss had flowed over him like warm honey; he could actually feel her love, happiness, her everything, pouring into him at that moment their lips met.

"Good morning," he said, pulling her body close, enjoying how her spooned body fit cozily into his.

Heather turned slightly, just far enough to see his face, "Good morning," she returned with a smile.

"That was some night."

"The first of many," she replied, starting to squirm.

"What's wrong? Are you trying to get away from me already?"

"Not at all, it’s just well," she started blushing, "I have to...You know."

"Know what?"

"Oh you," she smiled, then got out of bed, grabbed a pillow, and tossed it at him as she head to the bathroom.

Michael couldn't get her smile out of his mind; she was just cute.

He sat up in the bed, resting his back against the head-board and looked around. "Wow, we sure made a mess," he said looking at the dirty bedding, remembering his wet, muddy body from the night before. "I guess I should go home and get a shower," he thought.

"Why go home for that," Heather winked, sticking her head out of the bathroom door, startling him a bit.

"I don't know if I’ll ever get use to you hearing my thoughts," he stated, getting up to take her offer of using her shower.

"I'm sorry," she spoke biting her lower lip, "I'm just excited about you being here." Then closing her eyes, she called up a little power, "There, now I can't hear anything you're not directing towards me. I hope that's ok."

Michael relaxed, and looked into her hope filled eyes, "I'm sorry I'm so jumpy, I'm sure I'll get use to everything soon enough."

"It's ok, after all, I've had life times to get use to magic, and you just found out about it a few days ago. Now get in here, If you hurry I'll let you wash me," she flirted, quickly disappearing into the bathroom, and starting the shower.

"Life time’s"," he began, but stopped, and hurried after her.

Michael entered the shower behind her, trying unsuccessfully to keep from staring. She was so beautiful. Heather was roughly five-eight, with dirty blond hair. Her back turned towards him, he watched water run down her back, then curve over her shapely rear. Feeling his body beginning to respond, he turned away.

Heather for her part, was waiting to feel his hands upon her, and was doing her best, Girl under a waterfall, impression, hoping to entice him, realizing this wasn't working she decided to take another tact.

"You know," she began, "I hope you're not too cold back there."

"No, no, I'm fine," he lied.

"Oh really," she turned, revealing her tear shaped breasts to him, "Cause I can see Goosebumps," she smiled, then biting her lip, "You're not scared of me, are you?"

"Scared of you," Michael repeated, stepping closer to her, "Look, just because you momentarily surprised me with that little magic trick the other day, doesn't mean I was ever scared."

"Oh really." she teased, her smile getting bigger.

"Yes, really," he grinned, finally coming close enough to her their bodies touched.

"So you weren’t even a teeny tiny little bit afraid."

"Absolutely positively not even a little," he concluded, kissing her on the back of her neck.

"Good," she smiled mischievously, "Then let me do it again, that is, unless you still need more time, you know, to get over your fear.

Michael was backed into a corner, and they both knew it. He could see her satisfied grin and twinkling eyes playfully waiting for him to respond. "Erm...he choked out, the last time..."

"Don't worry," she quickly interrupted, "That won’t happen again, I promise."

He really didn't want to, but he also didn't want to disappoint her, "Oh alright," he blurted, mustering as much fake confidence as he could.

Heather squealed in delight, wrapped her arms around him, and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. "Now remember, think to me if you want to talk, I can’t just read your thoughts right now, ok?"

"Ok he replied," worry, clearly showing on his face.

Michael stepped back and closed his eyes, causing a tiny giggle to escape Heathers lips; he looked like he was waiting for a firing squad to appear and offer him one last smoke.

Heather thought a second on what she wanted to transform him into and smiled; Gathering a bit of power she focused, and then released the energy into Michael.

This was the first time Michael was awake to feel her magic working on him, and the sensation, though not unpleasant, was a little unsettling. He opened his eyes in time to watch as his body changed, from its usual slightly tan color, into a light pink, he watched as Heather seemed to grow in front of him, as his naked body sunk into itself getting smaller and smaller.

He couldn't believe he had given Heather permission use her magic on him, and as his arms and legs pulled into him, he somewhat wished he hadn't. The slight pool of water he had been standing in was quickly getting higher and higher on his body, giving him pause to think he might drown, but like last his short time as a doll, he soon realized he wasn't breathing anymore.

Heather always loved watching the transformation process, and with Michael, even more so. Whether he knew it or not, he was fighting her magic a little, causing his form to change a lot slower than it would normally if he just relaxed and allowed it happen; Of course she could force the magic to work faster, but this was, to her, much more fun to watch.

Michael felt himself stop changing and knew he was whatever Heather had imagined and he lay, somehow looking up at her, waiting to see what was going to happen next.

Heather smiled and squatted down, giving Michael an unintentional spectacular view at her now, from his new vantage point, immense vagina; causing his arousal to grow. He watched as water trickled down her tummy, then meeting her soft folds, dripped enticingly off her lovely pink lips.

Heather reached down to pick Michael up, hesitating slightly feeling his arousal increase. "Wow," she started, "What's getting you so worked up?" she questioned, her own body feeding off of his sexual desire causing her hand to reach down and caress her Brazilian kept nether's.

The simmering show Heather was inadvertently putting on for Michael had been cranked to a boil after including her hand as a new character. The stimulation he felt as his private show continued started a sexual loop between the two; the more aroused he got, the more she played with herself, the more she played with herself, the more aroused he got.

Michael felt he might go mad with desire, wanting nothing more than to touch and take her as he had last night, when out of nowhere, he begin to feel her arousal, and the pleasure she was bringing herself with her own ministrations.

This was more than Michael could take, and at the same time he heard Heather yell out, he came, Hard; the feeling was unlike any he had before, it rolled around him and through him at the same time, and just when he thought it was over, another small scream from Heather, and the feeling started all over again.

"That was...that was soo yummy," she beamed, sitting and laying back against the tub, the shower spraying down on her legs.

Not wanting to stand up she pulled up the stopper, and switched the water so it would fill up the tub. Looking down to her feet, she saw the water rise over Michael. She smiled at her helpless "One" and picked him up by his tiny silk cord.

"I don't know what got into you, but it was terrific," she said to the soft pink scrubby, rolling it between both her hands, loving the feelings emanating from her little bath helper.

Michael didn't respond, he just reveled at her playful caresses upon his delicate material. If anyone had ever told him that someday, one of his happiest memories was going to be of being a bath scrubby for an incredibly, sexy woman, he would of thought them mad, but here he was, blissful as can be.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself," Heather expressed, turning the warm water off, "And just think," She continued, "We're only just getting started. I do believe I said if you came in here, I'd let you wash Me." she giggled, "Bet you never thought it'd be so literal." Then reaching down she grabbed some bodywash and continued one of the longest, orgasmic bath's the world has ever seen.


  1. Very nice! I really like this tory concept and Heather and Michael do make for a cute couple. You also have me curious about the witches, what the 'One' might really mean, and what's going to come between the two and Kimiko. Very fun transformation here, and great, tactile descriptions to it!

  2. Great to see your amazing writing again. Its a nice work but too much on the gentle side for me. I tend to like your crueler works

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