


I'm hoping this works; I removed those stupid non-working tabs that were at the top of the screen and am trying this for requests. I hope to hear from you all soon. I haven't received any comments since my return:( I hope you guys aren’t still upset I disappeared. Kk, I hope you’re all well and I'm looking forward to hearing from you:)




  1. disposable transformations are always great. Tissue or soap? Especially enjoyable if the person is used accidentally.

  2. Hihi,

    Thank you for being the first to use the Requst tab Nema:) Using your request I wrote for you Using Roommates Things, I hope you like it and look forward to hearing from you again:)


  3. Im with nema. I love accidental tf. The soap one was great. Tampon ones are always good. Accidental food tfs are great. Keep up the awesome work.

  4. Can i request more diaper TFs and more TFs with the victim or the person TFing them and putting them on feeling an intense pleasure?

    1. would love to see more of this type of tf

  5. I always love the idea of a witch transforming someone permanently (willing or not) and I would really like to see more toilet, feet, bodypart caps or anything else really weird that you can come up with...

    You're doing a fantastic job with the blog, keep doing what you're doing!

  6. I love the magic siblings you just posted. My request is wife having husband transformed into furniture, art work, landscaping, statue in front of house, because he was not a loving husband. She has a new husband and former husband in his new state must now watch her move on with her new life. She reminds him of that. Also like to see hubby changed into female mannequin or statue in a park. Thank you for all your hard work.

  7. If I could request it would be for more of people being turned into womens shoes. Something so amusing at how they are reduced to be such a lowly item of fashion. XD

  8. hihi,
    If you guys/gal would leave you real/fun names with youe requests i could maybe:) use them as character name. I myself enjoy reading caps with me as a character. kk, thank you all, and dont forget your idea for a tatle to my mini story cap:)


  9. lol,
    omg my spelling, thats title not tatle, where's spell check when you need it:)

    bb again


  10. Could you please make a cap of someone turning into another man's abs?

  11. how about someone being turned into a maxipad?

  12. What about mutual transformation? All TF seems to put one partner in control of the other... it would be a pretty interesting change to see both partners experiencing the change together.

  13. what about making one were the man becomes a menstural pad for the woman to use on her period and can be used over and over again forevr.

    also I love your don't break your sisters things and i was wondering if I could bring that story type over to my own blog and give you some credit for it. For those of you who want to check out my blog the web address is (copy and paste it into the web search bar)
    please bear in mind that it is a new blog currently but i will add more to it in time

  14. Hello, stumbled into your site via PurseBoy, and noted you don't have any swimsuit TF caps here. If you care to try one, I would not be at all adverse to you using me as a subject.


  15. I found this link from PurseBoy myself. I would love to see a Car TF A convertible or a really high end car, to be sold as merchandise. If you need a Target then I'm game :)

  16. Could you write some TFs about boys getting the pantyhose of their girlfriend and will be used.

    1. or panties

      and the gfs dont want return their form (and stockings or panties can talk or babble)

  17. would love to read a story about an ex bayfriend who becomes the condom which is used by his girlfriend with her new oy.

  18. I love your butt tf, maybe seeing some more of them and using it like punishment maybe

  19. oh and you can use the name kyle for my butt requested up there

  20. would liek to read a transformation of a boy who became a condom and is used by his girlfriend

  21. I like transformations into pantyhose very much. It's a nice idea describe how the boy as pantyhose is worn and then used by a footjob. May be later on also ripped for sex.

  22. i'd love to see a transformation of a boyfriend into his girlfriends magazine, like a cosmo magazine, then when she's done with him she throws him away into the rubbish bin :-)

    1. +1 on that. Love disposable magazine and newspaper TF's.

  23. Would you mind adding a link on your blog to my new blog about pantyhose and tights inanimate transformations. It has stories and caps. Thanks.

    1. i used to look at your blog, where has it gone? i loved your pantiehose stories.

  24. more diaper tfs please!

  25. i would love a humiliating situation being transformed into panties in front of my parents.

    and the girl should do it for fun, not as punishment

    PS: my parents should love the idea even though I complain ;D
