
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Using Roommates Things

Tammy got home from the gym early, she was exhausted, her instructor seeming to be in a bad mood, had proceeded to take it out on the class, working them at an almost torturous pace. Things only got worse, when after the class, she and the rest of the girls found the showers out-of-order. Now, finally at home she couldn’t wait to wash off the ickiness from her mornings exercises.

In her hurry to wash she failed to take notice that both her roommate and roommates boyfriend, weren’t lounging around like they normally did on Saturday mornings.

Reaching the bathroom, she shut the door and started to strip, making sure to drop her clothes into the hamper. Pulling the curtain open, Tammy turned the water on, hot first, and stood waiting for the temperature to get just right.

While waiting she did a quick mental check list making sure everything needed was within reach so she didn’t have to make a wet, cold run to get a missing item. Living with roommates had taught her, never take anything for granted, and to always double check.

Towel, shampoo, conditioner, check…oil, powder, check…soap…”Damm!” she cursed loudly. No soap, already naked she peeked out the bathroom door and shouted to see if anyone was home. Not hearing a response she made a quick naked dash to find some.

“Errgg”, she moaned not finding any in the hall closet. “Maybe” she thought, and headed for her roommates’ room, her roommate was notorious for pilfering things and keeping them in her private bath.

Tammy started towards the bath, when she noticed, in the middle of her roommate’s bed, was a new, but opened, bar of soap. One hand covering her breast, she use the other to pick it up and run to the shower.

Stepping into the warm water, she stood not moving, allowing the soothing effect of the water to relax this morning’s aggravations away.

Deciding she had soaked long enough, Tammy grabbed the bar of soap and touched it to her body, preparing to lather up. Catching her off guard, a not unpleasant jolt ran through her body.

She looked down at the soap. “Ohh, that naughty little witch of a roommate”, she thought with a sly smile, “What had she made this time”. Tammy turned the bar over and over in her hand, it looked like regular soap, bringing it her face she took a quick sniff. “Mmm..” “Smells yummy”.

Knowing that her roommate made many objects to make her….feel good, Tammy felt it safe to continue washing.

Tammy gasped again as the bar touched her skin. Her roommate’s new toy was devious. It started as warm, tingling sensation, that as more of the soap was used, turned into a gentle, teasing massage.

She generously rubbed it onto her breast, allowing the tension in her nipples to intensify until she found her free hand reach up and gingerly caress them. A soft moan escaped her lips as tiny droplets of milk were released from the swollen centers or her little friends.

Not wanting the ecstasy to subside she concentrated on moving the dwindling bar further down her body. Down her belly, passing her navel, until she found what she was looking for. The soft folds of her sex craved the silky contact.

Losing all control, she thrust what was left of the pleasure giving creation into her wet, wanting emptiness. She screamed, her legs failed her, every muscle in her body froze…Time stopped for her, she didn’t breathe, no thoughts past through her mind, then …..Release.

Her orgasm hit her...hard. past orgasms had flowed over her like a wave, this, this felt as if God was bored that day and had touched her himself, changing her from flesh and blood into nothing but pure bliss and rapture.

Fifteen minutes went by before she even tried to move, standing was difficult but she managed it and rinsed the last bits of soap from her body. Turning the water off, she stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel and dried off.

Back in her roommates’ room there was a desperate shout. Startled, Tammy opened the door and walked wobblely to see what was wrong. Standing in the door way she watched the terrified girl search frantically for something.

“What’s wrong Hun? What are you looking for?” Tammy asked, hoping she could help her distressed friend.

“It’s Mike” she cried. “I was feeling kinky so I turned him into a bar of soap”, “I was going to tease him then turn him back, but I needed an ingredient that would make it safe for him to be used”, “I could of sworn I left him on my bed but…” she started sobbing uncontrollably not able to finish her sentence.

All color left Tammy’s face as she realized what she done, Mike, her best friends love was no more. All that was left was the sweet scent of him on her still recovering body.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Me And Marie


I hope everyone is doing well and like the new caps. For the record I'm more of a story teller and not a writer. There is a huge difference. I have always wanted to wright a story but I lack the proper education to do so. I have always let this stop me in the past but, no more. I'm going to post bits of a story I'm writing on this blog little by little. This will not stop my promise of at least 1 cap a day through December. If you would like to comment or express your opinion on how the story progresses please feel free to do so. On the other hand, if you want to skip the story and read only the caps, feel free to. Either way, I' m glad you have chosen to visit my little place on the net. Now here is the first page of...

Me and Marie

I met Marie by accident; my car broke down, and having left my wallet at home, I found myself walking. I don’t hate walking, but since getting my license, I was having a hard time remembering the last time my two feet had taken me anywhere.

If my car had to break down, it couldn’t have chosen a better day, it had rained earlier that afternoon leaving behind a crisp, clean feeling in the air. I smiled to myself while passing small puddles, fighting the urge to jump straight in to see how high a splash I could make.

I was making good time so I decided to cut through the park, it would add a bit of time to my getting home, but I really liked watching the ducks that lived around the pond. The baby ducks always earned an “Ohh” or “Ahh” from those standing around watching.

Getting close to the duck pond I took in my surroundings. I was on what I figured was a jogging sidewalk that wound its way around the park. I remembered how as a kid people would yell at me for riding my bike on it. Racing friends, the wind in my hair, laughing at those old people running, wow, how I missed those times.

My reminiscing was cut short by the loud sound of a dog barking and the faint sound of a girl screaming.

I was unsure of what to do. I have never been the hero type; being more of the, duck my head and mind my own business type. It had always served me in the past. Life had taught me that things always seem to go bad for the guy that “got involved”, and I surly didn’t want that fate to befall me.

I tell you this so you understand how strange it was that I found myself running, full speed towards the panicked sounds. There was something in the voice of the girl’s pleas that I couldn’t ignore. It was like my own heart was crying out and I needed to save it.

Closer and closer I got to the crying sobs of the girl; each step causing the fire in my lungs to grow stronger. I wanted to stop and drop to the ground. I was panting, no matter how fast I tried to breath I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs, tears were forming in my eyes, I was getting dizzy, but instead of stopping, I quickened my pace.

Anyone watching could have compared me to the bionic man, I was jumping over bushes and ducks like an Olympic master hurdler, if there was such a thing. My legs felt like jelly, whether I willed it or not my body was closing in on a total shut down.

Just as I started to see a dark tint over the world, I burst through a hedge and found…I found? My mind was having a hard time grasping what was in front of me. There was the dog, a small black thing barking at what was mostly, a young girl. It was the “mostly” that my mind was having trouble with.

Lying on the ground was the source of the whimpering. She was beautiful…and frightening, frightening in the fact that her arms and legs were gone. Not gone like she wasn’t born with them but gone because her body just appeared to blend in with her shirt and skirt.

My heart was pounding, I was still trying to catch my breath from all the running, and now…now I was looking at something that was impossible. People don't just merge with their clothing; but…but here I was, standing in front of this mass of girl and clothes.

My fear and disbelief was soon overtaken by the look of distress in her eyes, my heart still ached to help, but I didn’t know what to do. Should I add my voice to hers in a vain attempt to get aid? I didn’t know, I was scared but wanted…no…needed to help her.

Warm New Seat

Heather: You ready to try something fun; I learned this really neat spell.

Cory: Sure, you know me, I’m up for anything.

Heather: Kk, here we go, (chants quietly), There, I hope you like it.

Cory: Hehe...You turned me into your bicycle seat.

Heather: Yep, A very special seat, now let’s go for a ride:)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mean = Nasty

Sarah stood back and watched as the last of Anne’s mind regressed away. The anger and panicked filled expression faded into the smile of an innocent, wonder filled baby. “Googa..blaa” Ann said, causing Sarah to burst out laughing, “Ahhh, aren’t you just the cutest thing”, Sarah said mockingly to the now oblivious girl.

Satisfied with Ann, Sarah turned her attention to Ron and pulled the tape off his mouth. “You can speak now; I really want to hear what you think about your girlfriend. Isn’t she adorable”?

“You Bi*#%!!!, How could you do that to her, she doesn’t deserve that”.

“Still calling me names Ron”? Tears of frustration dropped from Sarah’s cheek. “Every day you two pick on me and call me names, then when I start crying, you call me a baby, well look who the baby is now”.

Ron started, “I’m sorr..”, “DON’T EVEN!”, Sarah yelled, cutting him off, “It’s too late for apologies, Anne has her punishment and now it’s time for yours”. “You were always twice as mean as her, so your punishment is going to be twice as bad”

Sarah poured the last bit of magic dust into her hand, walked over to Ron, closed her eyes, and blew it into his face. “Wha..What’s going to happen to me” he questioned. “Am I going to be like her?” Sarah didn’t answer; she took a step back and watched as the magic did its work.

Ron stood frozen as the powder started its spell, He felt his clothes loosen and body pull into itself. Terror flooded his mind as he began to shrink. Smaller and small he became, his vision soon cut off as his shirt fell over him.

Sarah pulled Ron’s clothes away just in time to see what was left of him turn white and flatten out. “Hi there Ron, You turned out perfect”.

If Sarah thought Ron had called her name before, she was lucky she couldn’t hear him now. Ron was struggling to come to terms with what was happening to him. Unconcerned with Ron’s internal conflicts, Sarah picked him up and walked over to Anne.

“I know you can hear me”, Sarah stated, “Unlike your precious baby girlfriend, I left you in full control of you faculties. Your mind is unchanged, you just can’t move”.

“Now for the really fun part”, Sarah smiled. “Lay back Anne, sweetie.” Ron was horrified as he watched Sarah guide Anne to her back, lift her legs, then lay and smooth him out under her. “This can’t be happening”, the former boy cried to himself.

Sarah grabbed some baby powder and sprinkled it on Anne’s bottom, next she folded Ron so he fit snug around his girlfriends’ delicates. “There, doesn’t that feel good Anne”, Sarah patted her bottom and stood up.

Ron’s mind was racing, he had felt the weight of Anne on him, the folding of his body, and the pat on her butt, He found it unsettling he could smell and taste the powder that was placed on Anne. “Omg” he realized, if I can smell and taste, then….NOOO! He tried to scream.

Sarah was very pleased and started to walk away, but before she left she wanted to make sure Ron knew what his new life was going to be like. “As you can tell Ron, your now a diaper for that baby of a girlfriend you have, The spell makes it so you absorb everything, and I do mean everything” Sarah smiled brightly at those words.

“You're not just a diaper, you’re a magic diaper, you won’t break or tare. And you will be reused over and over until Anne is potty trained, Then you’ll both be restored to how you were before the transformation”. Sarah let a long pause go by wanting hope to build in Ron at being restored.

Ready now to finish him off, she finished, “But the magic I used on Anne will keep her from EVER being potty trained”. Sarah started to giggle wildly then added, “You liked to poop all over me, now it’s your turn to be pooped on”. Then with a skip in her step, Sarah left, leaving both of them to their new fates.

Don't Touch Her Man

Bending over to pick up her earring, Heather felt a sharp pain running through her body, "Ow.." she tried to say, but found no sound escaped her lips.

Trying next to stand, Heather found it impossible to move. The pain was soon replaced with a soft, warm feeling that began at her toes then worked it's way up her body.

Scared now, Heather started to panic, the heat now seemed unbearable, she mentally screamed for someone to help her.

Behind her, just out of sight, came a soft giggle that quickly changed into a loud laugh.

"I told you to stay away from him, but you came to my home and slept with him anyway."

Heather reconized the voice, right as Tia walk into view. "Now you'll pay".

Heather watched as Tia's eyes started to glow, then while raising her hands over Heathers body, Tia began to chant.

Heather felt the air around her change, an invisible force involoped her. The feeling of heat dissipated, replaced with a vice like pressure on her body.

Tia watched with amusement as Heather started to flatten, the spell was working better then she could of ever of hoped. Thinner and thinner Heather became, until all that was left, was what looked like, a half inch cut-out of the very pretty girl.

Heather was totally freaking out, She started with pleas, moved on to curses, and was now praying and promising to be a better person if all this would stop.

Tia looked at the flattened girl and smiled, she ran her hands slowly across Heathers new form, she was soft and warm just as before the transformation.

"Ohh this will never do" Tia said, then bent down and gently began to blow on Heather.

A sudden chill broke Heather from her prayers, Her body was changing, no, not changeing, becoming something else.

Tia stood back and watched as Heather went from flesh and blood to fragile, polished glass. Seeing her reflection in the new Heather, Tia made funny faces and then fixed her hair.

Satisfied with her work, Tia waved a hand causing Heather to float towards the wall. Another small flick of her wrist found the scared girl mounted to the wall.

"There, there deary, I hope you like your new place in my home. It's yours until I change you back, or you get broken."

"I would bet on broken." Tia said while walking away. "Things always get broken here when he and I fight, And I see a huge fight coming when he gets home."

All Heather could do was cry quietly to herself and hope not to end up as tiny glass shards.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm Back


Hihi everyone, as the title says, I'm back:) Sorry I was gone for so long, there wasn't much I could do about it:( To make it up to you guys, I'ma try and make sure there's at least one cap a day posted through December:) If you have any requests, please use the chat box or e-mail me:) I check my e-mail repetally through-out the day, so I'm sure to read them quickly:) Don't be as shy as me, post/e-mail as much as you like:) Kk, I hope you like the caps so far, there'll be more soon:)


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010